
Watchet by James Whitaker

Research for our magazine has taken me down some fascinating routes. Yesterday, at the end of our family holiday we visited the new East Quay building in Watchet, UK. We go to Watchet quite often but this was our first trip since the building had finished.

On the drive back to London I discovered Laura Broderick’s podcast where she talks to Georgie Grant from the Onion Collective about their journey to create something for their town. It’s a brilliant story! Give it a listen if you can.

Iterations of a Garage by James Whitaker

Here are a small collection of the iterative maquette models for the garage at the Anywhere House in Canada. Because the rest of the house has been split down into individual rooms the scale of a garage seems huge in comparison. The right answer ended up lying in breaking the garage bulk down, giving it the appearance of two conjoined volumes, each comparable in scale to the other volumes in the house.