Business Insider have featured our Starburst House this week. If you visit our instagram feed you’ll see a special little animation that we made for the article that shows the house in a new way!
Upcycling: Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture /
Giant thanks to Daniel Stockhammer and Hanna Kuzniatsova at the University of Liechtenstein for including our container house in Joshua Tree, California in their book Upcycling: Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture. It’s a great honour!
If you’d like to get a copy here’s a link.
Listen to the Silence /
57'10 Podcast /
57’10’s podcast is out featuring the interview that they recorded with me back in November last year. We chatted about all sorts of things, ranging from my experience of working at Heatherwick Studio, what grand tour I would recommend for students on their summer holidays, and the role computer generated images play in my work. It was lovely chatting so hopefully it makes enjoyable listening!
There are some other interesting podcasts in their series so be sure to explore their back catalogue.
Container Atlas /
Gestalten has just released a new book featuring our Joshua Tree Residence on the front cover. You can find out more here.
A giant thank you to all involved! It’s a real privilege.
Joshua Tree Press Roundup /
What a crazy couple of weeks! In September I contacted Dezeen about a house that I'm designing at the minute and it ended up being their most popular article for 10 days. It went viral. Forbes wrote about it. The Metro would like to see it on Airbnb. One reader of Bored Panda thought that it would increase his chance of being abducted by aliens. CNN featured it, as did Huffington Post Deutschland, The Sunday Times, Dwell, Archdaily, Elle Decoration Netherlands, Curioctopus, Curbed, Inhabitat, Casa Claudia, Ignant, Hypebeast, Design Boom, Demilked, Konbini, The Awesome Daily, Inside Hook, Plain, World Architecture Community, Mind Body Green, New Atlas, Architectura Viva, Interesting Engineering... There are a whole load more articles out there to explore but even this shortened list is very flattering. I'm looking forward to the next stage now!
Glamour Spain /
Dream Office - An article in the September edition of Glamour, Spain.
99% Design /
Exciting to see another article about Hechingen Studio, this time in Israel based magazine 99% Design.
I think this was in the September issue…
A little revisit to Hechingen to create an additional image for press articles.