
Hidden grass-covered villa looks just like a putting green from aerial view by James Whitaker

The Oval Villa

Thanks to Kristy Johnson for her article about the Oval Villa in

I’m not entirely sure how the article came to be, we’ve not published this house anywhere else, I’m not sure it’s even been posted on Instagram. Regardless of how it came to pass though, it is wonderful to see it being picked up. Massive thanks to Kristy.

All the rooms in the house are accessed off a central courtyard, which features a cooling pool.

We worked on the Oval Villa about a year ago for a resort on a small island in south east Asia.

The brief was for a standalone villa, that could either be serviced by a hotel, or be a self-sufficient, privately-owned, holiday home.

The main living room of the house, nestled under the sweeping roof.

In the end, the client paused the entire development so this project hasn’t gone any further, but it would have been fantastic to stay there sometime.

It would be lovely to see an iteration of it in another location.

We will post again soon about the concept behind the house and how the different spaces flow into one another.

Penthouse by James Whitaker


The High Life

A new series of images of a Tokyo penthouse.

The model has been built in 3DS Max with the towers in the foreground being created using Itoo Software’s railclone and forest pack. You can see a tutorial for populating the floors of the towers here.

Furniture and props have come from a variety of sources. The books are nearly all from model+model and distributed using their excellent Bookmanager plugin. The rug in the living space is Paul Smith Carnival created with Vray Hair.

The Tokyo skyline is from photographs taken from CGTextures and applied as a VRay Light material with the sky masked out. The scene is then illuminated with Peter Guthrie’s 0707 sky.